Prof. J. Walter - Informationstechnik, Mikrocomputertechnik, Digitale Medien Problem Statement
Hochschule Karlsruhe Logo Bachelor Thesis
Public IoT: Smart Street Light for Moving Object
Winter Semester 2018/2019
Nabilah Binti Salehuddin (65634)

2.2 Problem Statement

1) Manual operation of switching on/off

In many major and big cities the street light system is operated manually by using day and night condition to switch on and off. The street light will be switched on at certain time in the evening when the sun set and the intensity of light is low and automatically switched off the next morning when there is enough light outside.

2) Energy wastage

The present system leads to high energy waste especially electrical energy. Street lamps are being switched on even on the daylight specifically during early morning and before dusk due to timer setting. This leads to unnecessary usage of energy

3) Manual monitoring

There is no advanced monitoring technology thus any failure or damage on the lamps can be known only when there is a report on it. The current state of the lamps only can be identified when there is any maintenance works done.

4) High operation and maintenance cost

The use of multiple street lights in one city demands more manpower for monitoring and maintenance purpose. Despite of having more workers to work on monitoring, the maintenance of series of street lights is proved not to be easy and cost demanding. Due to high electrical energy used the operation costs also increasing. Absence of real time off-site monitoring also leads to failure to detect early stages of lamp's damage hence resulting in high maintenance cost.

Hence, a system which can be switched on if there is any walking person or moving vehicles such as bicycle in the sensing range area need to be constructed in order to improve the energy efficiency and sustainability of the system.

  With Support of Prof. J. Walter Winter Semester 2018/2019