Informatik 1 Labor
Programmieren mit C / C++
Sommersemester 2017
Prof. J. Walter
Gebäude LI U 23 - Tel. 1792
/* main.c created by user */

/* converts your code snippets 
* into pretty-printed HTML format, 
* easily embeddable into blog posts, 
* emails and websites. */

/* Just copy the source code to the 
* left pane, select the language and 
* the color scheme, and click 
* "Highlight!". The HTML from the 
* right pane can now be pasted to your 
* blog or email, no external CSS or 
* Javascript files are required. */

int main () {
    return 0;
/* function.c created by user */

void do_function () {
    return 0;
Quellcode als Zip-Datei zum downloaden !

Informatik Labor 1 Sommersemester 2017