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Device applications such as HTML-based web clipping applications allow websites to deliver compressed information to users in under 10 seconds, on average. Most of the code is cached on the handheld computer for delivery without delays. And the HTML base makes it simple for sites to add web clipping services. Graffiti® power writing software allows users to quickly and accurately enter information into their handheld devices.
System libraries let developers easily extend the functionality of the Palm OS.
An internal software map of how the hardware works, the hardware abstraction layer gives developers the flexibility to modify the Palm OS without having to rewrite code each time a change is made. Localization architecture makes it easy to localize an application by putting all localizable data into an overlay file. For example, adding German language support is as simple as creating a German language overlay file and putting it over the application. The application interface makes it easy to access a function or launch an application by pushing a clearly labeled onscreen button instead of navigating through a menu. Intelligent compression formats the most important information for display on a single screen, visible without scrolling.